Child-Sewing-MachineWhat have you made from scratch lately–whether it’s something to eat, wear, use at home, or give away? We may live in a world that often feels prefabbed, but there are plenty of opportunities for us to contribute pieces of ourselves to make things better or more interesting. Tune in to the Writer Ninja Podcast, available on iTunes and on this site. Then post your ideas in the comments section below!

Also listen to Jo’s interview with four smart writer-editor-artist people–John Brantingham, Ann Brantingham, Elder Zamora, and Scott Creley–who came together to organize The San Gabriel Valley Literary Festival from the ground up.

Then join Jo at the festival as she reads among an amazing lineup of poets, novelists, and nonfiction writers–including James Brown, Aimee Bender, Eloise Klein Healey, Donna Hilbert and Stephanie Hammer: February 15-17, from noon to 9 PM in the West Covina Civic Center, 1444 West Garvey Avenue, West Covina, 91791. All events are FREE.